In this presentation we will consider both “native” approaches and crossplatform ones. We will focus mostly on smartphone platforms: Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7, Symbian(Qt) and WebOS. Additionally, we will discuss such “normal” phone platforms as J2ME and Symbian WRT.
Author: Igor Markov
Team Lead/Technical Expert, Auriga
Graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2002.
The first employment was at PhysTechSoft, Ltd. I developed some parts of PTS DOS operating system and various PDA applications.
The next job (2001–2004) was at a startup company where I developed a scalable file system with the HSM support.
Since 2004 I work at Auriga, Inc. Completed several projects in a field of embedded Linux systems. During 2006–2009 developed and delivered Linux kernel development courses. Since 2008 I work in a field of mobile application development. The platforms I developed for include Android, iOS, J2ME. My current position at the company is Team Lead/Technical Expert.