31.10 «Разработка ПО: Банки», курсы « Продажи софтверных продуктов и услуг», «CMMI» и «Польза от пользователя», 31.10–1.11 «Cкрам-мастер»
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Fast programming technology APAWE for creating business software

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The programming technology is presented which allows to significantly decrease business application development and testing time. The reduction of programming work is achieved by implementation of original idea of using “universal core” that allows avoiding all routine operations when one creates interfaces and defines functionality. The technology is developed on Delphi.


Andrey Aparinov

Andrey AparinovAndrey Aparinov

Software development advisor, Softland Systems

2001—Diploma of the faculty of Calculating Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
2010—Ph.D. degree in mathematics and physics, Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS
Since 2008—Lector, Department of Mathematics, Joukowsky Airforce Academy
Since 2011—Leading research fellow, Paraschute Engineering Institute
Since 2005—Independent consultant. Specialization: Management accounting, Business-process optimization

Since 2004 actively collaborate with Softland Systems company as a perspective software development advisor. Together with the company participated in the software developement and implementation projects for «Niam-Niam» supermarkes (were bought by Billa in 2009), Tervolina company, «First Patent Company», «Veko» meat production plant and others


Dmitry Kozhevin

Dmitry KozhevinDmitry Kozhevin

Co-owner and technical director, Softland Systems

Dmitry Kozhevin was born on May 10th 1958 in the small village Nosovaya of Arkhangelsk Region.

In 1975 finished the school in Kostroma.

In 1980 gained the Diploma of the faculty of Calculating Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

In 1987 having finished the postgraduate studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University got Ph.D. degree in mathematics and physics.

Since 1980 worked in Foreign-trade combine “Lesproyekt” and then in State Committee for Economic Relations as a research and development engineer of automation systems of various application. Participated in such developments as personnel certification subsystem, forest yield forecast system, DBMS for forest aerophotos mining, accounting system, logistic system, personnel management system, etc.

Since 1991 part-owns and is the technical director of LLC “Softland Systems”. Is a leader of the innovative and long-term developments. The company produces packaged and custom software for different enterprises automation. The especial emphasis are putted on development of programming tools and technologies as well as data-base management instruments.


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