31.10 «Разработка ПО: Банки», курсы « Продажи софтверных продуктов и услуг», «CMMI» и «Польза от пользователя», 31.10–1.11 «Cкрам-мастер»
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Experience with a course on software design

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In this report we discuss our experience with a university course on software design. The course has been delivered five times, the total audience is more than a hundred students. We discuss why we do not strictly follow SEEK recommendations, how we organize student assignments, what tools we employ and results we have achieved.

Author: Anton Khritankov

Docent MIPT

Anton KhritankovAnton Khritankov

Anton S. Khritankov, Ph.D. — graduated with honors from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) in 2007, received his Ph.D. degree in 2010 in the field of systems analysis and distributed computing. He has extensive experience in software development, earned his way from a software developer to an architect and project manager. He has created and taught several courses on UML and software design to MIPT students. His interests include software and information systems design, object-oriented methods, as well as distributed computing, systems analysis and its applications.


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