31.10 «Разработка ПО: Банки», курсы « Продажи софтверных продуктов и услуг», «CMMI» и «Польза от пользователя», 31.10–1.11 «Cкрам-мастер»
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Experiences from model-based GUI testing in smartphone camera and messaging development

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In this presentation, based on work done by Mr. Rupesh Dev, we describe experiences in applying model-based software technology to the graphical user interface (GUI) testing in the context of smartphone application development. The presentation starts with the description of the problem domain, smartphone application GUI testing. Then, we move on the tools used in the case study, i.e. TEMA and Testability Driver, both available as open source. Next, a brief explanation of model-based testing technology is given. The main part of the presentation describes the test bed built from two aforementioned tools for testing smartphone applications, namely Camera and Messaging in this case. We will also introduce test models created for the case study. The tests were run on real hardware, namely Nokia E7 and N8, connected through a WLAN. Towards the end of the presentation, we discuss the results obtained and compare the model-based solution to conventional test automation, namely keyword-based GUI automation. In addition, we point out areas of future work that could make the model-based approach even more beneficial in this context.

Author: Mika Katara

Mika KataraMika Katara

Associate Professor, Tampere University of Technology

Mika Katara is an Associate Professor at Tampere University of Technology, Department of Software Systems, Finland where he is in charge of software testing research and education. He earned his doctorate from the same institution in 2001. He has published 40+ papers on model-driven development and testing and has supervised and co-supervised 30+ testing related M.Sc. Theses. Katara has been heading the development of the TEMA toolset for model-based GUI testing of smartphone applications. He is also the main organizer of the TUT software testing days, a biennial industry seminar that typically draws 200 testing professionals all across Finland.


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