Oct 31 CEE-SECR: Banks and courses: «Software product and services sales», «Useful users» & «CMMI», Oct 31 – Nov 1 «Certified ScrumMaster»
SECR 2011 is over. You can learn about our current event at www.secrus.org.

Become a sponsor CEE-SECR-2011

Sponsorship Packages

Benefits Premium Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Sponsor
Price in rubles (excluding VAT) 280 000 170 000 100 000 60 000
Complimentary sponsor speech during the opening ceremony 3 minutes 1 minute    
Complimentary sponsor speech during the closing ceremony 3 minutes      
* Company presentation on one of the conference topics (30-40 minutes) 2 1    
Stand placement for your company’s partner/reseller in the foyer    
Banner/flag placement in the foyer  
Banner/flag placement in the main halls      
Logo placement on conference banners
Logo placement on participant badges    
Promotional materials included in conference bags
Company profile in the conference brochure
Company ad in the conference book First page + 2 addl. pages 2 pages 1 page  
Company ad on the conference website All pages All pages Sponsors page Sponsors page
Complimentary conference passes 5 3 2 1

* Pending approval of the presentation topic by the Program Committee.

Contact us now

Helen Matkevich

Helen Matkevich, Organizational committee Chair

+7 (495) 604 11 78

+7 (812) 347 74 31

+7 (921) 963 77 89


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