How to submit your paper
The paper review is over. The list of accepted papers.
CEE-SECR 2011 invites submissions for the following conference tracks:
- Research/Technology
- Experience/Practice
- Human Capital and Education
- Business and Entrepreneurship
The conference topics for the Research/Technology and Experience/Practice tracks include, but are not limited to:
- Programming Environments/Tools
- Programming Languages
- Programming Paradigm
- Design Tools and Techniques
- Coding Tools and Techniques
- Software Quality Assurance
- Testing and Debugging
- Software/Program Verification
- Model checking
- Static code analysis
- Dynamic program analysis
- Refactoring
- Software and System Safety and Reliability
- Software Architectures
- Project, Product and Program Management
- Requirements/Specifications Management
- Distribution, Maintenance, and Enhancement
- Interoperability
- Reusable Software
- Configuration Management
- Software Engineering Process
- Development Methodologies (including Agile)
- Process Improvement Models
- Industry Standards
Papers submitted for the Human Capital and Education track should focus on issues and solutions in teaching software engineering, as well as on topics related to human resource management such as leadership, motivation, teamwork, continuous skills development, etc.
The goal of the Business and Entrepreneurship track is to encourage the exchange of ideas, opinions and experience between entrepreneurs, business managers, visionaries and technical experts on topics related to enterprise IT strategy, business development, innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of software engineering. Papers that address one of the following broad topics are particularly welcome:
- Internet computing (including e-learning and e-government)
- Implementation of cloud computing (SaaS)
- Trends in enterprise IT strategy (including private clouds)
- Software application outsourcing
- Strategic planning in software firms
- Innovation in Software Engineering
- International/Global SE entrepreneurship
- Finance and Venture Capital
Types of submissions
This year the submissions will be allowed in two categories/formats:
- Full academic paper, up to 10 pages, compliant with the academic paper template.
Upon acceptance, papers of this category will have to be formatted and submitted in a camera-ready format for publication. - Short abstract of the presentation, up to 2 pages, describing result or user experience that are important to share with the community. The abstract should be informative enough, so that reviewers could decide about quality, relevance, and novelty of the material. Please submit your materials in .doc or .rtf.
Upon acceptance, submissions of this category will have to be provided as a slide deck to be presented at the conference. Presentation template is available.
Proposals for round tables and workshops are accepted in a free format by email:
Papers can be written either in English or in Russian; however, each paper must have an abstract in both languages. If needed, for English-speaking authors Program committee will help translating their abstracts into Russian.
Duplicate submissions
A paper submitted to the conference will be considered to be a duplicate submission and rejected with no regard to the paper’s merit if there is substantial overlap in the technical content of the conference submission and any other work that is:
- under review for another publication, or
- has been accepted for another publication, or
- has appeared in another publication, at any time before the conference review process is complete.
Submission process
Submission deadline: August 01, 2011
Please submit your proposals for papers, presentations, topics for roundtables and workshops via the submission engine:
View Submission Engine Instruction
New User Registration
- Open the link:
- Create a CMT account using the Sign Up button
- Use your login and password to enter the Author Console.
Paper Submission
- Press Create a new paper submission upon entering the system
- Follow the instructions and fill-in required fields
- Upload your file. It should not exceed 5 MB
- Press Finish
Paper Status
Use View Conference Track Status link to check your submitted paper status.Please remove all occurrences of authors’ names/affiliation from the submitted papers, as they will undergo double-blinded review. Authors’ names/affiliations will be added only to camera-ready versions of the accepted articles.
By submitting your paper, you are agreeing to grant the Conference committee the right to reproduce it in conference proceedings and reference it in conference materials such as booklets, newsletters, website etc.
Papers acceptance procedure
An international Program committee will review submissions for quality and relevance, and the acceptance decision will be emailed to the author.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline | August 01, 2011 |
Acceptance Notifications | August 31, 2011 |
Camera-ready Submission Deadline | September 30, 2011 |
Benefits for the authors
10 best academic papers will be published in the special issue of the Software Engineering magazine (Russian). All academic papers submitted in English will be published in the IEEE electronic library. Free pass to the event for speakers (actual presenters).
Questions? Contact us now

Julia Kryuchkova, conference secretary
Phone (office): +7 (812) 336 93 44
Mobile: +7 (921) 741 48 23