31.10 «Разработка ПО: Банки», курсы « Продажи софтверных продуктов и услуг», «CMMI» и «Польза от пользователя», 31.10–1.11 «Cкрам-мастер»
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Remote banking system development: what to do in order not to be hacked

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The problem description

During the conferences, held in Russia and devoted to the questions of information security special attention is drawn on the absence of developers’ procedures of source code security testing, and it leads to classic vulnerabilities’ appearance. At the same time the mistakes are always present in the client and server software

Alexey Sintsov

Alexey SintsovAlexey Sintsov

Director of IS audit department, Digital Security

Graduated from Saint-Petersburg State Politechnic University, Information Security of Computer Systems department. Since 2001 has been working on practical questions in the field of security analysis, searching for vulnerabilities and exploits’ developing. Has an experience in participating in such western and national security conferences as CONFidence, Hack In the Box, Сhaos Constructions and others.


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