31.10 «Разработка ПО: Банки», курсы « Продажи софтверных продуктов и услуг», «CMMI» и «Польза от пользователя», 31.10–1.11 «Cкрам-мастер»
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Technology for mobile online services development

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The paper describes an original approach to mobile online applications creation based on the usage of the original development platform—called Ubiq Mobile—in combination with a set of domain-specific languages (DSL), focused on specific subject areas. The platform combines extended functionality, rich user interface and traffic and resource optimizations that let mobile services work efficiently in comparatively slow networks and on a wide set of mobile handsets. Using domain-specific modeling (DSM) approach for development mobile applications on the basis of Ubiq Mobile platform significantly reduces complexity of the development and expanding the scope of use of modern mobile services. The approach is illustrated with a nontrivial example of webcam-based surveillance application.


Andrey Terekhov

Andrey TerekhovAndrey Terekhov

CEO, Lanit-Tercom

1971—graduated from the Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty of Leningrad State University. Received a diploma with honour in the field of Computer Science.

1978—Ph.D. from Leningrad State University. Thesis: “Synthesis of efficient programs”.

1991—Professorship, habilitation thesis: “Software technology for real-time embedded systems”. In the same year 1991 founded and became director of State Enterprise “Tercom”.

In year 1996 founded and headed Software Engineering Chair of St. Petersburg State University.

In year 1998 founded and became CEO of the “Lanit-Tercom Inc”.

In 2008 “Lanit-Tercom Inc” and Moscow software company “Artezio” merged into AT Software. Andrey Terekhov heads Board of Directors and supervises R&D department of the new company.

In 1999 Andrey N. Terekhov was one of founders of software developers association of St.-Petersburg — Fort-Ross. When in 2004 on the base of Fort-Ross the All-Russia association of software developers – RUSSOFT has been created, Andrey Terekhov has been selected as its first Chairman of board of directors.

Professor Andrey Terekhov has more than 70 scientific publications (including 4 books). He is a member of ACM and IEEE.


Valentin Onossovski

Valentin OnossovskiValentin Onossovski

Director, St.Petersburg development center, Exigen Services

Valentin Onossovski graduated from the Mathematics and Mechanics department of Leningrad State University in 1985 in the field of Computer Science. Since graduation till 1991, worked in the System Software Lab of the University under supervision of Andrey N. Terekhov. His major work was design and development of OS kernel for new original computer that had being developing in the Lab at that period.

In 1992, Valentin Onossovski together with a team of colleagues founded a small innovative company that was focused on development of complex, research-consuming software.

In the period since 1997 till 2001 Valentin Onossovski was working in LANIT-Tercom company as director of department, working on large R&D projects for US customers. Since 2002, Valentin is working in Exigen Group.

Currently Valentin Onossovski is a director of Exigen Services development center in St.Petersburg.
Valentin’s area of scientific interests includes system programming, distributed software systems, mobile applications, software development technologies, modern Internet applications and services.


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