31.10 «Разработка ПО: Банки», курсы « Продажи софтверных продуктов и услуг», «CMMI» и «Польза от пользователя», 31.10–1.11 «Cкрам-мастер»
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SCRUM, Kanban, XP… How to choose?

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Currently we have interesting situation with agile methodologies. From one hand it is unnecessary to prove that agile methodologies can improve development quality and reduce risks—many IT companies for a long time and actively use them in everyday life.

On the other hand agile is changing too; new ideas appear for example Kanban while some old ideas like XP practices are often became underestimated. There is also some mess in understanding of differences between approaches in common agile direction. Possible combinations of the above methodologies for the best result are not obvious. Some projects still exist for which application of agile can be difficult however criteria for taken decision about efficiency of agile methodology application for specific situation are unclear.

Panel discussion “Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming… how to select” is suggested to conference participants to let audience better understanding of profits and restrictions for enumerated methodologies; to provide comparison analysis and to help people with selection of the most suitable direction for specific company and specific project and also to show possible ways for adaptation of these methodologies for specific situation.

Interactive communication with audience together with Q&A session is assumed.


Askhat Urazbaev

Askhat UrazbaevAskhat Urazbaev

Agile Coach, agile evangelist, founder of community AgileRussia, co-founder of ScrumTrek

Askhat Urazbaev made a typical career from junor developer to project manager ins a small software company. Later on, in Luxoft, Askhat as a process architect was engaged in adopting “heavyweight” methodologies in different departments of the company. Happily, thanks to one of the customers, Askhat get some knowledge of Agile. The new way of development looked very effective. Askhat has participated in several Agile project.In 2006 Askhat started to help teams and department to adopt Agile methodologies in Luxoft. In March he has started Russian Agile Community (AgileRussia.ru). In 2008 Askhat along with his partner Nikita Filippov founded company ScrumTrek which consults, trains and helps companies in their transition to Agile. Among the customers of ScrumTrek such companies as Afisha, HeadHunter, Ascon, Luxoft, Infopulse and many others


Sergei Andrzeevski

Sergei AndrzeevskiSergei Andrzeevski

Project manager, First Line Software

Graduated from faculty of Physics of Saint-Petersburg State University. After finish of University worked as a programmer and later as project manager for software development.

Starting from year 2002 was manager of numerous successful XP (Extreme Programming ) projects developed in Star/Exigen Services for one of the world leading chip manufacturer. Also worked as Scrum Master and agile coach for offshore projects in bank industry, fulfilled both fixed price agile projects and classical waterfall projects in logistic area. Carried out set of freeware public webinars connected with different agile topics.

Starting from year 2010 Sergei works in First Line Software. Certified Scrum master, author of publications in agile area, creator of freeware tool ‘Sprintometer’ for management of Scrum projects.



Boris Wolfson

Boris WolfsonBoris Wolfson

Head of web development department, Softline

Boris works in web- and software development since 2003. He started work as a programmer at a small regional software firm. Since 2008 he is the Project Manager / Head of Regional Development Department in Softline. In 2011 he became head of the web development department managing dozens of teams. He is very fond of classic and agile project management, organizing the project management process and coaching. From time to time he speaks at software conferences.


Dmitry Ovechkin

Dmitry OvechkinDmitry Ovechkin

Director, product development, Innova Systems

Dmitry started working at IT area more than 10 years ago and passed the way from a software developer to a director of product development. Many years he was working at outsourcing companies like Luxoft and Mera where he was developing software for cellular stations and switches.

Dmitry was working in the Russian startup which was called Meshnetics where he was heading up development of the leading wireless technology for sensors networks based on ZigBee protocol. Afterwards the developed solution was bought by Atmel.
At the present time Dmitry works at Innova (leader in MMORPG games) where he leads the innovative video-service development.


Alexey Filimonov

Alexey FilimonovAlexey Filimonov

Head of heads Technology Consulting Department, Global TechInnovations

Alexey Filimonov heads the Department of technology consulting at Global TechInnovations, where his primary goal is to minimize investors risks when dealing with IT-startups. He also served as Director, Strategic Projects at a leading manufacturer of ECM/BPM software in Russia, DocsVision and was responsible for globalization of DocsVision platform and investors relations. Prior to joining DocsVision he worked as a Director, Software Solutions at Digital Design, a leading Russian systems integration firm, where he was responsible for P&L of Digital Design’s bespoke software development business unit. His experience also includes various positions in the field of business development in a number of IT-companies, like Exigen Services Starsoft, a leading software outsourcing vendor in Russia, and Lynx, a Platinum Sun Microsystems partner. Alexey is also a co-founder of a number of internet startups in the field of ecommerce and value added services for automotive industry. He holds an MBA degree from International Management Institute, St-Petersburg.


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