Oct 31 CEE-SECR: Banks and courses: «Software product and services sales», «Useful users» & «CMMI», Oct 31 – Nov 1 «Certified ScrumMaster»
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Could a programmer turn to be a UX designer?

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The talk will show how to grow a designer from a programmer during 72hrs, how to make it work with minimum efforts and get maximum profit. What is the UX designer? Is there any difference in mentality and cognitive process of a UX designer and a programmer? How to make the last years students be ready to start working in a real context? The presentation will also focus on the difficulties of the design oriented educational process of the IT University students.

Author: Svetlana Tsikoza

Independent User Experience Consultant

Svetlana TsikozaSvetlana Tsikoza

Has been working at Exigen Services (ex Starsoft) since 2004, Svetlana was, for several years, in charge of the UI design team working for T-Mobile. Some of the work done by Svetlana and her team for T-Mobile won prestigious British awards for usability.

Now the team built by Svetlana support all the UI and User Experience design related activities: user researches and analysis, modelling, requirement elicitation and visualization, UI prototyping, graphic and information design and UI development. Design team starts working of a project from very beginning and keeps monitoring and supporting the development process till the product delivery.

Now Svetlana is focused on popularization of UX methods and practices inside and outside the company. The team has conducted a series of work-shops in several St.Petersburg universities and also Svetlana teaches “User Interface Design” course at the IFMO university.

Working at Exigen Serives, the company famous as an expert of Agile, Svetlana sees the team goal for the near future as to build strong expertise in the symbiosis of User Experience practices and Agile methodology


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