
Igor Agamirzian
Igor Agamirzian, Ph.D., is a Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Executive Committee of the Russian Venture Company since May 2009. In 2007–2009 he was a General Manger of the Software Development Center of EMC Corporation in St. Petersburg. Since 1995 he worked at Microsoft…

Bertrand Meyer
An academic, author, and consultant in the field of computer languages, Chief Architect at California-based Eiffel Software and Professor of Software Engineering at ETH Zurich—the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology—where he pursues research on building trusted components (reusable software elements)…

Jeff Sutherland
The co-creator of Scrum. Scrum is the leading approach to Agile development worldwide, used by industry leaders to achieve dominance in their space. The foremost expert on Agile thinking in the world Dr. Sutherland has advised thousands of companies across the globe. He is the founder of both Scrum Inc. and…

Serguei Beloussov
Mr. Beloussov is a successful self-made entrepreneur, investor advisor with an outstanding 19-year track record in building, growing and leading high-performing, multi-national high tech companies in North America, Europe and Asia. He is currently a Senior Partner and Investment Advisor in the venture capital fund Runa Capital focused on seed and early stage investments in Internet, Cloud Computing and Mobile Applications…

Yuri Karpov
Professor Yuri Karpov, PhD, member of the American Mathematical Society since 1975, expert in Russian research and technology field. Dr. Karpov professional interests include problems of parallel processes formal models, distributed systems modeling and analysis, and verification of distributed and parallel algorithms…

Alexey Filimonov
“Heroes wanted”
Venture economy in Russia: current state and trends. How software engineering community can contribute?…

Alexandre Iline
“Automated testing of JavaFX applications: UI testing for developers”
Ever thought of having your UI verified automatically? It only looks hard—it is quite easy having right tools and techniques. We, in JavaFX team, have a few and willing to share…

Andrew Goldberg
“Routing Algorithms and Related Technology”
Web-based and mobile navigation systems motivated a large body of work on routing algorithms that took place in the last decade. The development of these algorithms has been influenced by the developments of the underlying technology…

Andrey Svistunov
“E-government in Russia: Myths and Reality”
In this report we will talk about development of Russian eGovernment and the problems which the regions are facing: the state of the laws, the technological readiness for electronic interaction etc…

Artem Vorobyev
“Switching to agile development approach in project with long history”
Сurrent situaion in software industry is shaped mostly by non-trivial economical situation and innovations needs, caused by incredibly high speed of technologies evolution. In such case even old-timers with great reputation, strong technological expertise and time-prooved development practices have to increase flexibility and become able to react on changes around them more rapid than ever before…

Askhat Urazbaev
“How to save cats: zero iteration in Agile”
There is an iteration zero in the Scrum methodology. Many people use this term, but hardly anyone can give a precise definition of it…

Alexander Andreev
“Saint-Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education”
То overcome the lack of software engineers in Saint Petersburg several software development companies decided to join their training centers to the new private educational institution “Saint Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education”. It provides participants with learning system support, certification, PR and marketing and more…

Denis Kalanov
“Review of the salaries market of IT companies employees”
Detailed review of programmers salaries: C++, C #, Java. Short review of salaries of managers, testers and analysts…

Robert Geva
“Direction in parallel and heterogeneous programming”
We are now well into the era in which processor are reducing the rate of improvements in serial execution. All new processors are multi core. New development tools are supporting parallel programming, and more programmers are developing parallel applications…

Anne Hager
“Factory Approach for Testing Large Scale Projects”
More and more companies need highly integrated business processes which implicate complex system architectures in order to fulfil the requirements of their customers. In addition to that, time to market should be reduced thus change requests have to be implemented within short time frames. The rollout of software in time, in budget and in quality is becoming a critical success factor for most of the companies…

Achim Stohr
“Dynamic Services: Enterprise Cloud Computing in practice”
T-Systems is one of SAP’s largest customers, as well as one of the largest Global Service Providers for Hosting, delivering SAP hosting services for over 3.5 million SAP users. As a leader in the virtualized and automated delivery of SAP with its Dynamic Services platform, T-Systems runs approximately 80% of all systems on this unique, integrated, multi-tenancy platform from multiple data centers across the globe…

Hans-Bernd Kittlaus, Samuel Fricker
“ISPMA: The first international standard for education and certification of software product managers”
Software Product Management (SPM) excellence is recognized as a key success factor for software organizations—in all industries delivering software as a product, software and IT as a service, or software embedded in other products.
Surprisingly enough, there has been no international standard for education and independent certification of software product managers…

Vlad Pavlov
“…boarding to the flight Moscow-Cloud is starting now…”
In spring 2010 the author envisioned new technology, that would allow to automatically move to the cloud any existing application in just a few minutes. Later the company rollApp Inc. was established in California to make this vision a reality…

Dmitry Soshnikov
“Using Functional Programming and F# for Distributed Systems, Web and Cloud Development”
This presentation gives overview of different approaches to using functional programming and F# on .NET platform for development of distributed, web and cloud applications on Windows Azure…

Arseny Tarasov
“Software business = brilliant developers + professional sellers”
The report will be held in the form of questions and answers. The main topics are as follows: my way from a programmer to a sales person, difficulties of selling different classes of products, experience of training software company executives in sales process design…

Yaroslav Domaratsky
“Project ERA-GLONASS: requirements, project plan, results achieved and collaboration with Luxoft company”
The first part of the presentation we will be dedicated to «ERA-GLONASS» system requirements and main differences between «ERA-GLONASS» and eCall systems. Additionally there will be a review of «ERA-GLONASS» terminal requirements and statistical data for comments received from automotive electronics companies and vehicle OEM’s…

Konstantin Gurnov
“Enterprise Agile Toolkit”
Agile and Lean have proven success in small and new companies, where these methods and way of thinking became a de-facto standard. After the transition of small companies goes next wave, which changes large scale enterprises, including biggest investment banks with thousands people. Such changes are huge, and often require redesign of organizations, change in thinking and stereotypes…

Stefano Rizzo
“ALM tools: past, present and future”
After a long incubation, ALM market is (finally) getting into maturity. Application Development and its supporting environments and tools are now entering an historic time. So, while the largest part of the actual proposition of tools follows a pretty old concept that is strongly rooted in the waterfall model of software development, there are some raising stars that are finally going to extinguish dinosaur technologies…

Aram Pakhchanian
“Making your products global: hints for startups from ABBYY”
Worldwide globalization trend resulted in the practical absence of isolated markets. The result is that on one hand you can’t rely anymore on the lack of competition on a specific territory. That make it harder to grow on the initial stage. Оn the other hand, from the very beginning you may target not only the local market, but the global one. But localizing the user interface is not enough to make your products global…

Alexey Stromov
“Intel Partner Programs: on the move in 2011”
Intel® Software Network and Intel® Software Partner Program Manager, EMEA, Alexey Stromov manages a team of marketers and community managers who support 2 major Partner programs dealing with software developer ecosystem in EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). The purpose of both programs is to share Intel knowledge and tools with the software ecosystem to help developer enable their applications for Intel platforms and technologies…

Max Kuzkin
“Using metrics in software development”
Idea of using metrics to control quality and convergence of projects is not new. It is likely that metrics were used even engineers during construction of Egyptian pyramids for quality control and progress tracking—number of installed blocks, consumed resources, etc…

Sergey Karpushin
“Automated integration tests for AJAX applications”
Automated testing can bring great benefits to the software developers in their constant quest for cutting the development costs and assuring the project predictability and the quality of deliverables…

Mickey Alon
“From Only-SQL to NoSQL to YeSQL”
It has now been a good couple years since the different proponents came together under the NoSQL umbrella. It has become increasingly clear that the typical relational database architecture is clearly insufficient for today’s data intensive applications, this partnered with move to distributed architectures, leaves the question whether the problem in the architecture or the query language…

Dmitry Gorbunov
“Business community support for innovative projects”
Innovative projects, as any new business, experience lack of money at some stage, and have to overcome the “Valley of Death”. There are state and regional support programs, with which the business community provides support for innovative companies…

Alexander Kalouguine
“The skills managers need in real-world small projects”
And yet, professional project managers are usually involved in large projects. Until recently, it is only in these projects that this role was financially justified. As an illustration to this fact, one may take an arbitrary project management methodology. For example, the PMBOK is widely considered applicable almost exclusively to the large projects…

Askar Rahimberdiev
“Cloud application development specifics”
I will cover major differences (in both technology and management) between cloud application development and development of traditional enterprise software…

Aleksandr Povaliaev
“New approach to optimization of block-level data processing algorithm in cloud-environment”
The aim of rapidly developing virtualization technologies is as an increase of security and avalilability as improving efficiency of computational resources utilization. In practice, it means putting the load on physical resources up to the moment of saturation by data (I/O-bound). Schedulers allocate a physical CPUs time slice to each task…

Mika Katara
“Experiences from model-based GUI testing in smartphone camera and messaging development”
In this presentation, based on work done by Mr. Rupesh Dev, we describe experiences in applying model-based software technology to the graphical user interface (GUI) testing in the context of smartphone application development. The presentation starts with the description of the problem domain, smartphone application GUI testing. Then, we move on the tools used in the case study, i.e. TEMA and Testability Driver, both available as open source…

Jan Božnik, Črt Gerlec, Marjan Hericko
“Linked data driven development”
In this paper we introduce Linked Data driven development, a lightweight methodology for using Linked Data throughout the software life cycle. We explain the idea of Linked Data and how it plays an important role in the semantic web…

Vladimir Itsykson, Alexey Zozulya
“Automated Program Transformation for Migration to New Libraries”
In modern software engineering the task of migration from one system environment to another may arise very often (e.g. software migrating from Windows to Linux or from desktop PC to some mobile platform). This task may be accomplished manually, but this will certainly be not cost- and time-effective and will require additional testing and verification…

Vitaly Dukhov, Yury Kryazhev
“Effective test harness based on open source frameworks and tools (Selenium, TestNG, Hudson, Surefire) for cross-platform testing of Web applications”
Automated testing, together with the practice of continuous integration improves the quality of the product and increases the flexibility of system validation and verification, it also allows to detect defects immediately upon committing changes to the version control system…

Ovanes Mikhaylov
“Entering international market by Russian software company”
The presentation covers all the issues which can face a software company entering international markets. From product quality and value preposition to PR, partner management, relationship building and driving results. What is the differene between consumer and corporte markets, how to open up and maintain the leader positions… these and other points based in a real experience in the sothern euopean markets by big Russian software company…

Anatoly Sourkis
“Management of IT companies: who will replace the 90s nominees?”
One of the most pressing problems faced by software companies—lack of competent managers. Management of a “typical” software company can be divided into three levels…

Črt Gerlec, Andrej Krajnc, Marjan Hericko, Jan Božnik
“Mining source code changes from software repositories”
The primary goal of software repositories is to store the source code of software during its development. Developers constantly store small parts (i.e. software modifications) of code into the repository and share those parts with others until the software is finished. However, software repositories store a significant amount of information about software and development processes…

Yelena Belyayeva
“Technical knowledge growth and sharing: approaches and their peculiarities”
Software organizations are interested in qualified engineers and spare a great amount of time and money on growth of technical expertise and on technology sharing both internal and external. In the conditions of constant changes within organizations when programs are closed or opened requiring resource transfers, when rotation between the programs is welcomed, the organizations would like teams or newcomers start bring results in shorter time…

Arsen Shoukourian, Emma Danielyan
“How to Measure «Soft» Things?”
Constant growth of business needs forces companies spare no effort on various regulations both inside and outside the company to minimize all the risks that are present on the long way of a product from being just an idea to becoming a final product delivered to customers…

Aslak Knutsen
“Arquillian: Real Java enterprise testing”
Unit tests and mocks can only go so far to ensure the accuracy of your code. Eventually, you’ll need to validate that your components work inside a real runtime, a style of testing commonly referred to as integration testing…

Alexander Babkin
“Applying Agile methodologies in corporate environment”
In our presentation we would like to share our experience in deploying Agile methods in the environment of large and geographically distributed projects, combining and balancing new approaches with legacy corporate processes and overcoming traditional, “legacy” process thinking…

Maxim Tsepkov
“DDD as an effective method of work in conditions of system complexity”
The presentation describes application of the Domain-Driven Design (DDD) methods to software design and development for large companies, which possess system complexity. In this case business model of company, model of IT system and system itself are inevitably very complex and it is practically impossible to guarantee their correspondence. In addition, these models and consequently the structure of the system could be hardly understood by business specialists…

Andrey Aparinov, Dmitry Kozhevin
“Fast programming technology APAWE for creating business software”
The programming technology is presented which allows to significantly decrease business application development and testing time. The reduction of programming work is achieved by implementation of original idea of using “universal core” that allows avoiding all routine operations when one creates interfaces and defines functionality…

Svetlana Tsikoza
“Could a programmer turn to be a UX designer?”
The talk will show how to grow a designer from a programmer during 72hrs, how to make it work with minimum efforts and get maximum profit. What is the UX designer?…

Constantine Osnos
“A web coder cry to programmers: how can we live together?”
One of the main goals of command work is not only quantity of end product. Important thing is comfort for other developers who continue working on the project. Two camps—back-end developers and web coders…

Dmitri Dubograev
“Mistakes made by Russian companies entering US markets”
We examine and go over the mistakes that the Russian technology companies make while entering the US markets. We go over the main legal strategies and tactics assisting the companies to avoid the shortcoming at early stages and pave the way to success…

Alexander Pletnev
“Document workflow in MS SharePoint: typical tasks, comparing various approaches”
We discuss typical SharePoint solutions for document workflow. For each solution we will explore: pros and contras, estimated effort and solution complexity, risks…

Alexey Martynenko
“No more buttons or the rules of designing for touch”
UI aimed at fingers and gestures turn our design conventions. Touchscreen interfaces are more ergonomic, contextual, and even emotional than familiar desktop UIs. Find out why our well known desktop windows, buttons, and widgets are weak replacements for manipulating content directly, and learn practical principles for designing such mobile interfaces…

Igor Markov
“Mobile Cross Platform Development”
In this presentation we will consider both “native” approaches and crossplatform ones. We will focus mostly on smartphone platforms: Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7, Symbian(Qt) and WebOS. Additionally, we will discuss such “normal” phone platforms as J2ME and Symbian WRT…

Fedor Tsarev, Anatoly Shalyto
“Extreme programming by contest teams for discrete mathematics problems on example of genome assembly”
A new type of extreme programming is proposed. When using this approach teams which take part in Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest are given a scientific problem from the discrete mathematics area…

Dmitry Sysolyatin, Bulat Gafurov
“Building a Technology Practice: People, Technologies, Knowledge, Progress”
The presentation is focused on problems of building and developing the team of experts specializing in a certain technological area. It is illustrated by an example of building SharePoint practice at Luxoft…

Andrey Terekhov, Valentin Onossovski
“Technology for mobile online services development”
The paper describes an original approach to mobile online applications creation based on the usage of the original development platform—called Ubiq Mobile—in combination with a set of domain-specific languages (DSL), focused on specific subject areas. The platform combines extended functionality, rich user interface and traffic and resource optimizations that let mobile services work efficiently in comparatively slow networks and on a wide set of mobile handsets…

Boris Slavin
“The convergence of professional and social information environment in modern society”
The paper shows that the architecture of the professional information environment develops to social communication networks. In turn, social networks get more opportunities and let for users do the professional work. Large role in the convergence of professional and social information environment play Cloud computing…

Oleg Medvedev
“Accelerating multiple alignment on FPGA with a high-level hardware description language”
The paper describes an experience of creating a hardware implementation of a pairwise sequence alignment algorithm in a high-level hardware description language…

Vojislav Stanojević, Milos Milic
“Guidelines for Framework Development Process”
Framework as a term is very frequently used in software engineering, especially in relation to object-oriented software design and implementation. In general, a framework could be defined as an application generator for one particular domain, or more to the point, it represents a skeleton of an application, that includes the complete code for the basic functions of a system, which can be conformed to the needs of one specific application…

Mikhail Glukhih, Mikhail Moiseev, Anatoly Karpenko, Harald Richter
“Software Reliability Estimation Based on Static Error Detection”
The estimation of a programs’ reliability is an essential part in the process of software development. Existing methods for the analysis of software reliability are based on run-time data, program metrics, properties of development process or program architecture. The disadvantage of these methods is that they use indirect information about the errors, which are the main cause of program unreliability…

Alexander Ryltsov
“Practice of embedded system and application development and support”
Development process in embedded area has some specifics in terms of resource utilization, and they are in focus of this article. The basic fact about embedded is that hardware resources are limited and it is NOT possible to ignore that…

Konstantin Bychenkov
“Company-Employee relationship in small and medium enterprises”
Team building in small companies with a staff comprising from 10 to 100 employees has certain peculiarities. Employees are the most important assets in a company. The importance of having teams in company staff is very big…

Dmitry Lubanov
“Fixed price development process for Investment banking”
This article observes experience of the fixed-price development project and describes details, know-how and factors that should be taken into account to work under such type of contract. The article provides an combined view of methods, processes, practices and patterns used in a large IT-project development for the investment banking…

Anton Khritankov
“Experience with a course on software design”
In this report we discuss our experience with a university course on software design. The course has been delivered five times, the total audience is more than a hundred students. We discuss why we do not strictly follow SEEK recommendations, how we organize student assignments, what tools we employ and results we have achieved…

Andrey Maglyas, Uolevi Nikula, Kari Smolander
“Software Product Management in the Russian Companies”
Software product management discipline helps in managing software products from its beginning to support. It covers strategic issues of managing products including technical and business roadmapping, resource planning as well as strategic and tactical planning…

Elena Pesotskaya, Sergey Avdoshin
“Software risk management”
Modern software development faces many challenges nowadays. In order to avoiding, minimizing, and monitoring the risks and their impact, it is important to identify, estimate and evaluate the risks…

Paolo Rocchi
“Improved Strategies for Change Management: The Funnel Model”
ITIL establishes that the change advisory board (CAB) can manage a change provided that a request for change (RFC) has been notified in a formal, authoritative manner. The CAB members have no news in hand in advance of the RFC arrival. When change’s implementation demands a considerable effort there is no way to prearrange resources in time or take caution measures…

Tatiana Zuyeva
“Test Automation experience in Agile project”
Talking about test process in Agile projects often it’s pointed how test automation development is important. This paper describes test automation experience in Agile project we are working in. It tells short history from where we started to do automation, about issues which we had and about ways we used to solved them, and how important and positive automation was for our project…

Anna Vorobyeva
“Diagnostics experience in virtualization products of Parallels”
The complex software product craves after stability while the complexity has a negative impact on both understanding of product structure by developers and the test coverage. The growth of functionality would naturally causes more rare bugs of unknown etymology…

Dr. Huiming Yu
“Teaching Secure Software Engineering: Writing Secure Code”
Writing secure code is critical because a large fraction of security incidents result from flaws in the code. In order to effectively teaching knowledge of secure software engineering we have developed a course module titled “Introduction to Writing Secure Code”. This paper presents the content of this module and reports our teaching experiences…

Ksenia Shigapova
“Student project in IT-company: HR incubator and leadership school”
The main purpose of this report is to describe student projects, organized by Lanit-Tercom and department of software engineering, faculty of mathematics and mechanics of SPbSU. Student projects have been organized for more than 7 years and bring significant benefits to our company…

Evgeny Pyshkin
“Teaching Programming: What We Miss in Academia”
The paper brings up some problems of teaching programming in universities. Aspects of understanding the specificity of programming as an academic course, its links to a variety of related courses are presented…

Ilya Yevlampiev
“Load testing and load testing personnel training in low budget projects”
This paper is about load testing in minor projects, where load testing is usually omitted due to its’ high cost. Such negligence sometimes results in surprisingly too low performance of the application. However, free open-source load testing tools can improve the situation…

Vasiliy Kurkov
“Regression testing of compiler: experience, technologies, automation”
In this presentation will be provided general overview of regression testing of compiler from the practical point of view. The following basic themes will be presented: infrastructure, software used to perform testing, testing sets…

Michael Radchenko
“Patenting of software-development / Russian Practice”
The talk is devoted to discussion of Russian practice in the field of software patenting. The first part of the talk discusses who, and for what purpose, might need to patent software…

Grigory Rechistov
“Modeling of a computer cluster on a distributed simulator. Verification of computing node and network models.”
In this paper we present an approach to modeling of large many cores cluster system consisting of several multi-core computers connected with high speed networks. A simulation solution, testing environment and methods of running tests are described…

Grigory Gusev
“Concordant Suite of Process Models”
Software outsourcing companies working for several customers face the requirements to comply with many standards and methodologies. Formal compliance to several models without carefully thought tactics generates separate sets of disposable documentation that define the same practices from different points of view and take significant consistency maintenance effort, which often ends up by chaos…

Stanislav Bratanov
“Three Dimensions of Software Analysis: Performance, Power, Parallelism”
In this talk we’re going to discuss how various hardware-assisted performance and power monitoring methods and a statistical call graph model help reveal the execution logic of a program, show the impact of the OS scheduler, the efficiency of thread synchronization schemes employed by the programmer, and the energy consumption of each performance-critical function or control flow path…

Luis Olsina
“Assessing Integrated Measurement and Evaluation Strategies: A Case Study”
This paper presents a case study aimed at understanding and comparing integrated strategies for software measurement and evaluation, considering a strategy as a resource from the assessed entity standpoint. The evaluation focus is on the quality of the capabilities of a measurement and evaluation strategy taking into account three key aspects…