
“Venture capital and startups”
Moderator: Nikolai Puntikov
Considerable share of innovative startups emerge in the field of Information Technology and computer software. In the framework of this round table we will discuss practical issues related to formation and financing of Russian startups…

“Specifics of writing cloud computing software”
Moderator: Max Kuzkin
The panel discussion will focus on the technical nuances of SaaS-applications development, specifics of self-distribution and ways to expand the sales channel via major service providers, telecommunications companies, etc.The panelists will discuss their experience in standardization of their applications delivery via providers using the Application Packaging Standard (APS)…

“Integration of the user interface design in development process: Trends and Challenges”
Moderator: Svetlana Tsikoza
Discussion on how to meet the demand for a good or at least acceptable user interface design. This can be done in different ways—using random internal resources or contractors, educating its own specialists or teams, not to mention the nuances of the process in each case…

“SE industry development from exporters point of view”
Moderator: Valentin Makarov
The discussion will include the results of the research about export software industry in Russia which is conducted by RUSSOFT organization every year. These results will be presented by Valentin Makarov, the president of RUSSOFT. The discussion will bring together representatives of all segments of the export industry, including representatives from major international research and development centers and the Russian product and service vendors…

“SCRUM, Kanban, XP… How to choose?”
Moderators: Askhat Urazbaev, Sergei Andrzeevski
Currently we have interesting situation with agile methodologies. From one hand it is unnecessary to prove that agile methodologies can improve development quality and reduce risks—many IT companies for a long time and actively use them in everyday life…