Oct 31 CEE-SECR: Banks and courses: «Software product and services sales», «Useful users» & «CMMI», Oct 31 – Nov 1 «Certified ScrumMaster»
SECR 2011 is over. You can learn about our current event at www.secrus.org.

Thanks to all CEE-SECR 2011 participants!

The 2011 conference is over. Some preliminary results start to appear in various media resources, including blogs and social networks. The presentation slides and photos are available below.

Talks and discussions rating

Banks day · Main days

Conference materials

Banks day · Main days


Banks day · Day 1 · Day 2 · Day 3

Video recording

Banks day · Main days


Igor AgamirzianIgor Agamirzian

Igor Agamirzian

Igor Agamirzian, Ph.D., is a Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Executive Committee of the Russian Venture Company since May 2009. In 2007–2009 he was a General Manger of the Software Development Center of EMC Corporation in St. Petersburg. Since 1995 he worked at Microsoft…

Max KuzkinMax Kuzkin

“Specifics of writing cloud computing software”

Moderator: Max Kuzkin

The panel discussion will focus on the technical nuances of SaaS-applications development, specifics of self-distribution and ways to expand the sales channel via major service providers, telecommunications companies, etc.The panelists will discuss their experience in standardization of their applications delivery via providers using the Application Packaging Standard (APS)…

Mikhail GromovMikhail Gromov


Mikhail Gromov
“Factory of the bank automated systems”

This report presents the results of the project dedicated to improvements of software production processes in the Development Center of Sberbank Russia. We will review the initial problem, the solution approaches and the results which are currently achieved…

Sergey KarpushinSergey Karpushin

Sergey Karpushin
“Automated integration tests for AJAX applications”

Automated testing can bring great benefits to the software developers in their constant quest for cutting the development costs and assuring the project predictability and the quality of deliverables…

All speakers >


Arseny Tarasov
Arseny Tarasov

Software products & services sales: from art to the process

October 31

The workshop will be instructed by specialists of RIS Ventures with the support of venture fund ABRT, Russian Venture Company and the Russian representative of Microsoft and is intended for professionals interested in creating and bringing to the market new products, as well as increasing and systematization of the sales…

Svetlana Tsikoza
Svetlana Tsikoza

Useful Users. How to build successful interfaces

October 31

This course is for those who ever wondered why some products are much more successful than the others with almost the same functionality, and wanted to learn how to build successful interfaces…

Alexander Kondakov
Alexander Kondakov

CMMI® – (almost) all truth in one (!) day

October 31

This seminar is instructed by a Russian-speaking expert Alexander Kondakov and tells about practical application of the CMMI® model. While model’s copy is distributed freely, its users are often faced with challenges of model’s interpretation and adaptation for specific conditions in their companies and organizations. Here, in just one workshop, the participants will be able to find (almost) all the vital truth about the family of CMMI® models…

Jeff Sutherland
Jeff Sutherland

Certified ScrumMaster Course

October 31 – November 1

This hands-on, interactive two-day course lead by Dr. Jeff Sutherland will teach you how to be an effective ScrumMaster, improve teamwork, launch products sooner and improve engineering practices to deliver high-quality products…

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