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Automated integration tests for AJAX applications

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Automated testing can bring great benefits to the software developers in their constant quest for cutting the development costs and assuring the project predictability and the quality of deliverables.

However, automated testing is rarely used even with ‘classic’ web applications, and is hardly ever used with AJAX applications. Due to the specifics of AJAX architecture, automated testing can be very resource-consuming, which is often the reason for neglecting this method.

We are faced with challenges such as:

  • We have to test an AJAX application which can’t be run without a full-featured html+javascript container.
  • We need to perform integration tests from the point of user experience, not simple unit tests.
  • The lack of tools. What tools to choose to achieve the best functionality and speed?
  • Human factor—who will write the automated tests? (What if QA engineers don’t have enough experience, and the devs don’t want to do this.)

I will present a case study describing a real-life project where these challenges were solved, and automated testing lead to an almost twofold decrease in the total development time.

Author: Sergey Karpushin

Sergey KarpushinSergey Karpushin

Team lead, Auriga

Sergey graduated from Rostov State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in 2002.

Sergey joined Auriga Inc. in 2010 and has been working primarily in the area of web-applications and web-services development for media companies. Currently, Sergey leads the dedicated engineering team executing several projects for LiveWire Mobile, a digital content solution provider for mobile carriers, handset manufacturers and media companies.

His interests include applied solutions, performance and security optimized architecture, process impovements for productivity and stability, methods for lowering total cost of source code ownership. Sergey lives in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.


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