Presentations & Supplemented Materials
Authors are listed in alphabetical order

Akimov Alexey
Technical writer, Developer Express
Report-oriented business application development

Alon Mickey
Director of Central Europe and EMEA, GigaSpaces
From Only-SQL to NoSQL to YeSQL

Andrzeevski Sergei
Project manager, First Line Software
SCRUM, Kanban, XP… How to choose?

Aparinov Andrey
Software development advisor, Softland Systems
Fast programming technology APAWE for creating business software

Babkin Alexander
Manager of Quality Engineering team, Motorola Mobility St. Petersburg
Applying Agile methodologies in corporate environment

Belyayeva Yelena
Senior Software Quality engineer, Motorola Mobility
Technical knowledge growth and sharing: approaches and their peculiarities

Božnik Jan
Researcher, Institute of Informatics, University of Maribor
Linked data driven development

Bratanov Stanislav
Staff research engineer, Intel
Three Dimensions of Software Analysis: Performance, Power, Parallelism

Bychenkov Konstantin
E-Health Program Manager, Open Code LLC
Company-employee relationship in small and medium enterprises

Domaratsky Yaroslav
Director, Subscriber Equipment Development Division, JSC NIS
Project ERA-GLONASS: requirements, project plan, results achieved and collaboration with Luxoft company

Dubograev Dmitri
Founder and managing partner, FEMIDA.US
Mistakes made by Russian companies entering US markets

Dukhov Vitaly
Senior QA Engineer, Dino Systems
Effective test harness based on open source frameworks and tools (Selenium, TestNG, Hudson, Surefire) for cross-platform testing of Web applications

Filimonov Alexey
Head of heads Technology Consulting Department, Global TechInnovations
Heroes wanted

Gavrilov Dmitry
IDR Technology Executive, CEE Cloud Business development Leader, IBM
Smarter Banking: IBM Industry Frameworks, Cloud computing

Gerlec Črt
Researcher, Institute of Informatics, University of Maribor
Mining source code changes from software repositories

Geva Robert
Principal engineer, Intel SSG
Direction in parallel and heterogeneous programming

Glukhih Mikhail
Associate professor, Computer Systems & Software Engineering department, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University
Software Reliability Estimation Based on Static Error Detection

Gorbunov Dmitry
Chairman of the Committee on Innovation and Venture Financing Interregional public organization “The Moscow Entrepreneur Association” (MEA)
Business community support for innovative projects

Gusev Grigory
SEPG Manager, Aerospace Delivery Center, Luxoft
Concordant Suite of Process Models

Hager Anne
Head of Test Factory, T-Systems
Factory Approach for Testing Large Scale Projects

Itsykson Vladimir
Associate professor, Computer Systems & Software Engineering department, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University
Automated Program Transformation for Migration to New Libraries

Kalanov Denis
Director of development, IT-Dominanta
Review of the salaries market of IT companies employees

Kalouguine Alexander
Project Director, Mercury Development
The skills managers need in real-world small projects

Karpov Yuri
President, XJ Technologies
On the way to practical application of verification in the process of software system development

Karpushin Sergey
Team lead, Auriga
Automated integration tests for AJAX applications

Katara Mika
Associate Professor, Tampere University of Technology
Experiences from model-based GUI testing in smartphone camera and messaging development

Kittlaus Hans-Bernd
CEO, InnoTivum Consulting
ISPMA: The first international standard for education and certification of software product managers

Kurkov Vasiliy
QA-engineer, Intel
Regression testing of compiler: experience, technologies, automation

Lubanov Dmitry
Team Lead, Exigen Services
Fixed price development process for Investment banking

Maglyas Andrey
Postgraduate, Department of Information Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Software Product Management in the Russian Companies

Makarov Valentin
President, RUSSOFT
SE industry development from exporters point of view

Martynenko Alexey
Co-owner and CEO, Aplica
No more buttons or the rules of designing for touch

Medvedev Oleg
Engineer, Lanit-Tercom; Researcher, Saint-Petersburg State University
Accelerating multiple alignment on FPGA with a high-level hardware description language

Meyer Bertrand
Chief Architect, Eiffel Software; Professor of Software Engineering, ETH Zurich
Multirequirements: Giving software requirements their due

Mikhaylov Ovanes
B2B sales director in Southern Europe, Kaspersky Lab
Entering international market by Russian software company

Olsina Luis
Full Professor, Engineering School at the National University of La Pampa, Argentina; and Head of Software and Web Engineering R&D group (GIDIS_Web)
Assessing Integrated Measurement and Evaluation Strategies: A Case Study

Osnos Constantine
HTML coder, UI designer, First Line Software
A web coder cry to programmers: how can we live together?

Pakhchanian Aram
Vice-president, Director of Data Capture Products Department, ABBYY
Making your products global: hints for startups from ABBYY

Pesotskaya Elena
Senior lecturer, School of Software Engineering, Software Management Department, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Software risk management

Pletnev Alexander
MS SharePoint Expert, Auriga
Document workflow in MS SharePoint: typical tasks, comparing various approaches

Povaliaev Aleksandr
Senior software engineer, EMC
New approach to optimization of block-level data processing algorithm in cloud-environment

Pyshkin Evgeny
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Vice-dean (International Programs), Dept. of Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University
Teaching Programming: What We Miss in Academia

Radchenko Michael
Director, SoftPatent
Patenting of software-development: Russian Practice

Rahimberdiev Askar
CEO and co-founder, MoySklad
Cloud application development specifics

Rechistov Grigory
Postgraduate, MIPT
Modeling of a computer cluster on a distributed simulator. Verification of computing node and network models.

Rizzo Stefano
VP Strategy/Business Development, Polarion Software
ALM tools: past, present and future

Ryltsov Alexander
Leading software architect, AstroSoft
Practice of embedded system and application development and support

Shigapova Ksenia
student projects coordinator, Lanit-Tercom
Student project in IT-company: HR incubator and leadership school

Shoukourian Arsen
Team Lead, Lead Process Coach, CQG Yerevan
How to Measure “Soft” Things?

Soshnikov Dmitry
Academic Developer Evangelist, Microsoft Russia
Using Functional Programming and F# for Distributed Systems, Web and Cloud Development

Sourkis Anatoly
Vice-President, СOO, Digital Design
Management of IT companies: who will replace the 90s nominees?

Stanojević Vojislav
Teaching assistant, Faculty of organizational sciences, University of Belgrade
Guidelines for Framework Development Process

Stohr Achim
Head of SAP Global Services Architecture, T-Systems International GmbH
Dynamic Services: Enterprise Cloud Computing in practice

Stromov Alexey
Intel® Software Network and Intel® Software Partner Program Manager, EMEA
Intel Partner Programs: on the move in 2011

Sutherland Jeff
CEO, Scrum, Inc.; Chairman, Scrum Foundation
Building an Agile Enterprise

Svistunov Andrey
Deputy Director, Saint-Petersburg Information and Analytical Centre (SPb IAC)
E-government in Russia: Myths and Reality

Sysolyatin Dmitry
Project Manager, Luxoft
Building a Technology Practice: People, Technologies, Knowledge, Progress

Terekhov Andrey
Professor, SPbSU; CEO, Lanit-Tercom
Technology for mobile online services development

Tsarev Fedor
Postgraduate, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (NRU ITMO)
Extreme programming by contest teams for discrete mathematics problems on example of genome assembly

Tsepkov Maxim
Co-founder and the chief software architect, CUSTIS
DDD as an effective method of work in conditions of system complexity

Tsikoza Svetlana
Independent User Experience Consultant
Could a programmer turn to be a UX designer?

Urazbaev Askhat
Agile Coach, agile evangelist, founder of community AgileRussia, co-founder of ScrumTrek
How to save cats: zero iteration in Agile

Vorobyeva Anna
Core team lead developer, Parallels; MIPT lecturer
Diagnostics experience in virtualization products of Parallels

Zuyeva Tatiana
.NET developer, Lanit-Tercom
Test Automation experience in Agile project